The State of Messaging in eCommerce

An executive guide about conversational commerce, the technology that drives it, and how industry leaders can adapt.

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Executive guide overview

Recent shifts in customer expectations and behavior have accelerated the trend towards conversational commerce. As shoppers move away from brick and mortar stores, experience brand app fatigue, and look for more connected experiences, they are embracing messaging in a whole new way.

This report is an in-depth look at conversational applications-the technology behind a new era of connected commerce. What they are, why they matter, and how global brands use them to add value to their business models.

Who is this guide for?

This guide will be useful for anyone interested in the ecommerce landscape and how it is evolving. It is particularly relevant to professionals in the following roles:

Customer Experience Managers

Heads of Operations

Head of Ecommerce

Omnichannel Directors

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