Airline Chatbot Benefits, Use Cases, and Examples for 2024

What is an airline chatbot?

An airline chatbot is a conversational app that provides real-time answers to customers' questions. It handles everything from booking and amending flights to check-ins and tracking, even assisting with trip planning and customisation.

In recent years, chatbot adoption in the travel industry has skyrocketed. Customers increasingly prefer seamless messaging platforms over the hassle of phone calls when managing travel. For airlines, this shift isn't just a trend, but a transformation. From families to frequent flyers, everyone craves a hassle-free travel experience.

It’s no wonder forward-thinking airlines have embraced AI, integrating conversational apps into their customer experience strategies.

The dual benefits of airline chatbots

Airline chatbots provide a win-win solution for both airlines and their customers by streamlining operations, cutting costs, and unlocking new revenue streams through upselling opportunities. The future of airline communications is rooted in conversational AI, offering transformative benefits. Let's delve into these advantages in more detail:

Benefits of airline chatbots for customers:

Quick and easy

Forget those frustrating email chains and endless phone queues. Airline chatbots deliver instant responses through a user-friendly interface. No wonder 69% of consumers prefer chatbots for their quick responses.

Elevated satisfaction

Chatbots make customer interactions more enjoyable and less frustrating. Messaging support boasts the highest satisfaction levels at 73%, surpassing email (61%) and phone (44%). Multitasking, richer information, and the simple fact that many people just hate talking on the phone, or rather waiting to talk on the phone, contribute to this preference.

Chatbot benefits for airlines:

Time-saving and scalable

Chatbots allow airlines to reach more customers faster, unlocking scalable customer service. Tasks that once required hours of phone calls can now be automated, increasing the customer service department's capacity and efficiency.

SLAs and cost reduction

Chatbots significantly lower response and resolution times, improving Service Level Agreements (SLAs) from hours to mere minutes. Reduced need for human intervention means lower operational costs, saving airlines money while boosting efficiency.

results with airline chatbots

Airline chatbot use cases

Now that it’s clear just how many benefits a chatbot can bring to an airline, it’s time to delve deeper into what exactly these apps are capable of doing—and trust us, it’s more than one might expect!

Search and book flights

The first, and perhaps most obvious, function of an airline chatbot would be speeding up and simplifying the flight search and booking process. Chatbots simplify flight search and booking. Customers can specify their travel details in a chat, and the chatbot will find and book the ideal flight. Reservations and payments are completed within the chat, making the process smooth and swift.

Chatbot check-in 

Between 2015 and 2021, the number of passengers checking in at airport desks plummeted from 49% to just 27% and continues to drop. Chatbots facilitate online check-ins, saving passengers time and reducing airport labour and airline printing costs.

Flight tracking and updates

What’s the next most frustrating thing for a customer waiting to catch a flight? Constantly checking if it's on time, delayed or canceled. Or, worse still, not checking and missing it altogether!

Keeping track of flight status is a breeze with chatbots. They send automated updates about flight status and journey changes directly to passengers' mobile devices. Given that chatbots have over a 90% open rate compared to just 22% for emails, they significantly reduce travel stress.

Upselling personalised offers

Chatbots excel at upselling and promoting additional products and services. Using AI, they can offer personalised deals based on the traveller's profile, such as seat selection, in-flight meals for families, or business lounge access for corporate travellers. This boosts revenue and improves customer loyalty.

airline chatbot automation for seat selection

Baggage claims and refunds

Lost luggage is a major stressor for travellers. Chatbots streamline the baggage claim process by providing real-time updates on luggage location and assisting with claim forms. They also handle refund requests efficiently, eliminating long hold times.

Real-world examples of airline chatbots

Many airlines are already reaping the rewards of AI chatbots, including:

  • Volotea
  • British Airways
  • Singapore Airlines
  • Volaris
  • Aeromexico
  • Gol airlines
  • Avianca
  • EasyJet
  • Wizzair


EasyJet’s chatbot, created with Hubtype’s technology, is a stellar example. It’s interactive, utilising graphical elements and AI to provide rapid and efficient customer service.

EasyJet airline automation

Ready for take-off

Chatbots are revolutionising customer service for both airlines and passengers. If you want to elevate your airline's customer experience, book a demo today to learn how Hubtype can help you improve your customer’s experience. The future of travel is here—don’t get left behind.

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