3 Key Benefits of an Omnichannel Messaging Platform

In this article, we'll discuss everything you need to know before adopting an omnichannel messaging platform. What makes these platforms unique, why they matter, and main benefits businesses can expect.

omnichannel messaging platform phone

What is an omnichannel messaging platform? 

An omnichannel messaging platform helps brands communicate with customers across messaging channels like WhatsApp or Telegram. It aggregates conversations into a singular location, making it easier to manage interactions at scale. 

These platforms use the latest conversational technology (like bots and AI) to automate certain elements of the conversation. They also use features like shared inboxes and automated workflows to power better collaboration. 

Why do omnichannel messaging platforms matter now? 

The rising popularity of messaging apps is changing the way people want to interact with businesses. As a result, the demand for business messaging solutions is growing quickly. 

In addition, customer expectations are on the rise. Brands like Netflix, Amazon, and Spotify are creating an on-demand economy--in which people expect fast, personalized experiences. 

Together, these factors come together to form an important paradigm shift. People want and expect to reach brands on messaging apps, and they expect the same convenience that their favorite streaming services or shopping platforms offer. 

As a result, brands are adopting omnichannel messaging platforms that can adapt to where and how people prefer to communicate.  

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3 Benefits of an Omnichannel Messaging Platform

#1: Omnichannel messaging platforms improve customer experiences

The main purpose of an omnichannel messaging platform is to improve customer experiences. With 89% of companies competing primarily on the basis of customer experience, this comes as no surprise. 

Better customer experiences lead to more satisfied customers--and satisfied customers keep products and services relevant. They are more loyal, spend more, and are more likely to become brand advocates. 

In short, customer satisfaction is an essential metric in managing and monitoring performance. An omnichannel messaging platform plays a critical role in keeping communication convenient, contextual, personalized, and timely. 


Messaging apps are changing the way people communicate with friends and family. They're also changing the way people engage with brands. 

People are tired of automated phone systems routing them from one department to another. They prefer the convenience and ease of messaging instead. 

Messaging is a critical tool to bridge this communication gap. It is asynchronous, meaning that conversations move at the customer’s pace and travel with them on their preferred device(s). Customers want to get the conversation started via messaging now, rather than dedicate an hour of their time to wait on hold. 


Context is critical in keeping customers satisfied and engaged. The faster you understand the situations that surround an interaction, the faster you can resolve it. 

An omnichannel messaging platform is necessary for consistent and contextual service. Good omnichannel platforms use historical customer data to keep conversations from being repetitive. 

No matter what channel a customer reaches out on, you'll build forward from each interaction--instead of starting from square one. 


Messaging lends scalability to personalization, which is a critical piece of the puzzle. With it, brands can make the switch from "one-to-many" to "one to one" communication. 

Beyond leveraging conversation history, an omnichannel messaging platform also draws on browsing history, purchase history, and other information to hold more meaningful conversations. 


Lastly, adopting an omnichannel messaging platform enables faster customer service. By automating frequently asked questions, you'll make human agents more readily available to help with complex issues. 

When customers do get routed to a human agent, the average handle time decreases. Again, this is because agents have the context they need to solve the issue quickly. 

#2: Omnichannel messaging platforms increase operational efficiency

As brands struggle to adapt to a new normal, the concept of operational efficiency is more important than ever. While “cost-saving” and “cost-effective” are often mistakenly used interchangeably, they are two distinct terms. 

Communication platforms help cut operational costs, but they also add value to the bottom line. It's an investment that goes beyond cost-cutting to help safeguard your competitive position and future growth potential. 

An omnichannel messaging platform will make your business more cost-efficient by making it more scalable. It will also help remove inter-departmental silos, integrate with other systems, and collaborate more effectively. 


The purposeful use of automation allows you to scale your customer communications. Most businesses that use an omnichannel messaging platform can automate 80% of their inquiries. 

You don't have to sacrifice quality, either. People prefer to resolve their issues quickly, regardless of who (or what) handles their issues. The contextual, fast service that omnichannel communication platforms provide is why brands can see a 53% increase in average NPS after adopting one. 

For businesses that deal with seasonal peaks in customer communication, this scalability is a key benefit. It allows them to offer a consistent level of service without having to hire seasonal employees. 


Omnichannel messaging platforms power better team collaboration. A shared inbox, as well as the ability to see who is working on what, is a key part of effective teamwork. If your company is working remotely, this is particularly important as agents are not in the same room. 

In addition, you can easily handle channel transfers and handoffs between teams or even bots. Most teams find that these tools help break down departmental silos and gain a complete understanding of the customer journey.

API Integrations

A messaging platform will connect with third-party tools to power better customer experiences. You can simplify workflows and eliminate menial tasks. For example, an omnichannel messaging platform will help you keep better records between systems and eliminate the need for manual data entry. 

#3: An omnichannel messaging plaform helps mitigate risks 

Finally, an omnichannel messaging platform helps reduce risks associated with regulatory compliance. Because they are flexible and adaptable, there is also less risk that they will become outdated in the future. 

Regulatory compliance

Leading omnichannel messaging platforms take compliance seriously. For example, Hubtype's messaging solutions make it easier for you to comply with regulations like the GDPR. 

All of Hubtype's products are designed to meet European, Canadian, and US privacy laws. No matter where you are, you can be sure that our products and services comply with any privacy framework, including the GDPR.

Obsolescence risk

When investing in new technologies, there's always a risk that the technology will no longer be competitive in the marketplace. Today, flexible technology, powered by APIs reduces that risk. 

Omnichannel messaging platforms allow you to speed up digital transformations without making a rigid commitment. A well-designed platform will grow with you, adapting to the changing needs of your business.