Best Insurance Chatbot Use Cases and Examples for 2024

Imagine a world where your insurance company can handle claims in minutes, not days. Where customer satisfaction isn't just a goal but a guarantee. This isn't a distant future—it's the power of insurance chatbots, here and now. 

Chatbots are shaking up the insurance industry, creating seamless, efficient, and human-like interactions that keep customers returning—even learning to understand and accurately interpret user intent.

Let's explore the top use cases and examples of how chatbots are setting new standards.

What is an insurance chatbot?

Think of an insurance chatbot as your tireless virtual assistant, ready to help 24/7. It bridges the gap between insurers and customers, handling everything from answering FAQs to onboarding new clients and comparing policies.

Imagine automating up to 80% of customer interactions, freeing up human agents for the truly complex issues. Chatbots are no longer just tools, they’re partners in delivering exceptional customer service.

Why insurance chatbots matter now

When a customer experiences an accident or loss, they need quick, reliable help—no waiting, no hassle. Chatbots provide instant support, reducing anxiety and improving the customer experience. 

80% of companies expect to compete on customer loyalty, and a seamless claims process can make all the difference. With over 30% of customers switching insurers after a poor claim experience, integrating an effective chatbot isn't just smart—it's essential.

The big benefits:

1. Reduce average handle time (AHT): Efficiency is key. By cutting down the time it takes to handle each query, chatbots make your operations leaner and faster. Every second saved is a boost to your bottom line.

Lemonade Inc. and other InsureTech firms are transforming the customer service landscape with AI technology, allowing customers to buy policies in 90 seconds and settle claims in just 3 minutes. This high level of efficiency and transparency has led to an outstanding NPS score of 70, compared to the industry standard of 17.

2. Reduce costs: Automate repetitive tasks and free up your agents for more complex queries. The less pressure on your support team, the more you save on labour costs. It’s about working smarter, not harder.

3. Improve customer satisfaction: Quick responses make happy customers, which is why insurance chatbots profoundly impact CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Scores). For instance, Hubtype helped one of Spain’s leading insurance companies automate roadside assistance requests through WhatsApp, reducing calls by almost 50% and increasing their CSAT to 9.2/10. 

Insurance chatbot use cases

Automate claims: Speed up the claims process exponentially. Customers can select the type of claim, upload photos, and submit—all within a single conversation. No more waiting for office hours or available agents—yes, claims can be made 24/7. Faster claims mean happier customers and lower costs per claim. Hubtype partners have seen claims resolved 5x faster and call volumes slashed by 50%.

Onboard customers: Simplify the onboarding process by automating those labour-intensive steps. Faster onboarding means better first impressions and happier new customers.

Manage policy renewals: Renewing policies has never been easier. Customers can complete renewals and make payments within one conversation, leading to smooth transactions and more opportunities for cross-selling and upselling.

Upselling opportunities: Chatbots can identify upselling opportunities by analyzing customer data and preferences. They can suggest additional products or services that match the customer’s needs, driving revenue growth while enhancing customer satisfaction.

Send proactive notifications: Keep your customers informed with personalised notifications—renewal reminders, custom offers, and even weather updates. The more informed your customers are, the more satisfied they’ll be. Coupling this with popular messaging channels like WhatsApp allows you to take advantage of apps that are already being interacted with on a regular basis.

Connect to human advisors: When complex issues arise, chatbots can seamlessly hand over to human advisors. This blend of automated and personal touch builds strong customer relationships, leading to more renewals and upsells.

Automate FAQs: Answer common questions quickly and effortlessly. Chatbots handle FAQs like a pro, providing fast, accurate responses that keep customers satisfied and loyal.

Real-world examples

Click to watch: Driver Insurance

Here you can see an example of an insurance conversational app in action. In this demo, the customer responds to a promotional notification from the app which is upselling an additional policy type for said customer. Then, using the information provided, the bot is able to generate a quote for them instantaneously. The customer can then find their nearest store and get connected with an agent to discuss the new policy, all within a matter of seconds. 

Click to watch: JKV insurance

Another great example of how conversational apps can improve customer experience for insurers is this claims journey. This demo shows just how quickly a customer can make a claim on their car insurance. Through this bot, they can upload all the relevant information and photos for their claim with just a few clicks of a button. Faster resolutions, and happier customers. 

Must-have insurance chatbot features

Seamless handoff: A great chatbot knows when to bring in a human agent. Hubtype ensures smooth transitions, making sure your customers always get the help they need. Hubtype Advisors goes a step further by utilising customer-provided information within WhatsApp to automatically route users to the most suitable agent, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of customer support.

Rich elements (not just text): Go beyond text with images, buttons, and links. Hubtype’s rich elements create a more engaging and frictionless customer experience.

Expert support and guidance: Great customer experience starts long before a claim. By providing timely information and education, chatbots reduce frustration and boost satisfaction, doubling your Net Promoter Score (NPS).

How to get started

Are you ready to get the conversation going? At Hubtype, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that insurance companies face. That’s how we have helped some of the world’s leading insurance companies meet their customers on messaging channels. If you think yours could be next, book a demo with us today to find out more.