Unlock the power of AI with conversational analytics

We're pioneering a revolutionary approach to analyze customer conversations. Ready to dive into the future of customer insights? Join us to stay informed and be part of our journey.

What you’ll get:

Sneak peek into how our Conversation Inspector works.

Access to our free demo to test the Inspector first hand.

Early access to our free trial and direct assistance setting it up to start analyzing your data.

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Ask questions, get answers

Meet our Conversation Inspector – your AI analytics expert at your service. Just ask things like:

What were the main customer complaints last month?

How many inquiries did we receive on Black Friday?

How has customer satisfaction changed over the past year?

In seconds, our inspector analyzes conversation data to provide answers. Dive deeper with follow-up questions and request specific examples from customers – there's no better way to understand their needs than hearing it in their own words.

Ready to gain actionable insights? Let's start the conversation.

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Don’t know where to start?

Our inspector is not only there to answer questions. If you are not sure where to start, simply try one of the suggested answers, or feel free to ask our inspector what data points would be interesting to look into.

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Ready to automate on WhatsApp?

Marc Caballe