The role of WhatsApp in building better customer experiences

An expert discussion about the impact of messaging on both current and future strategies for customer support, sales, and communications.

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Guide overview

A panel discussion with leading industry experts to explore the growing importance of messaging apps and the critical role it has been playing in customer experience strategies. Specifically, they discuss the current role of messaging and how it will evolve in the coming years.Finally, our speakers review current companies with advanced systems already in place and predict what technologies will be integrated with messaging to create more complete experiences for consumers.

Who is this guide for?

This webinar will be useful for anyone interested in customer experience technologies and their impact on the business, and who wants to further develop their customer communication strategy. However, generally, it will be most applicable to people working in the following roles:

Customer Service Professionals

Heads of Operations and Digital

Innovation manager

How can contact centers benefit from messaging channels?

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